thrift haul Lindsy Farren thrift haul Lindsy Farren

Thrifted Kitchen Items

We started a 3 year, 5 year? kitchen remodel—if that’s what you want to call it. We spent the summer and stripped the paint, sanded, and stained the upper cabinets. The lower cabinets are for future summers. It’s a small kitchen with no pantry. There’s a lower corner cabinet I despise. If I can avoid getting into that corner cabinet, I will.

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thrift haul Lindsy Farren thrift haul Lindsy Farren

Thrift Haul: God Answered!

Sometimes my daughter and I will pray right before we go into the thrift store. We’ll say, “Dear God, please let there be (fill in the blank).” And then we’ll go in and sometimes find the very thing we asked for!

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