Thrifting Goodwill and Value Village | Crafting Thrift Haul / Journaling Materials
My daughter and I heard someone mention “junk journals” and we immediately looked at each other and said, “What are those?!” We googled, watched some videos, and came across Johanna Clough’s lovely, sweet, nostaligic junk journals and we knew we had to make our own.
Thrifted Kitchen Items
We started a 3 year, 5 year? kitchen remodel—if that’s what you want to call it. We spent the summer and stripped the paint, sanded, and stained the upper cabinets. The lower cabinets are for future summers. It’s a small kitchen with no pantry. There’s a lower corner cabinet I despise. If I can avoid getting into that corner cabinet, I will.
The Thrift Haul with the Replacements
I went on a “quick” thrift trip that accidentally lasted four hours and two thrift stores. I was meaning to run some errands and pop in to look for a few things.
Thrift Haul: God Answered!
Sometimes my daughter and I will pray right before we go into the thrift store. We’ll say, “Dear God, please let there be (fill in the blank).” And then we’ll go in and sometimes find the very thing we asked for!
Thrift Haul: Christmas Decor
I’ve been in search of a small wood bowl for our eggs, a wood tray to place holiday toys (that double as decor) the girls can take down and play with, and a Christmas sweater.