November Cottage Garden (2023)
The snow has been n-a-s-t-y. It’s been wet and heavy and takes a million years to plow. My dad broke his snow blower and my husband called it ‘old man heart attack snow’. Then it’s been getting real windy. And it freezes and becomes a skating rink. Then it snows some more. And the cycle continues.
Though the backyard is gross looking, we do have the 2024 sledding hill paved. I took the inaugural sled ride of the season. It went pretty smooth. We had to adjust the course a tinsy bit but it’s tip top!
My brain is swirling with ideas for next year’s backyard cottage garden. I’m getting impatient for winter to be over (and it just started). I’m trying to figure out where paths should be. I want the garden to be magical, organized chaos—it looks random, but it’s well planned and you forget you’re in a backyard, that you’ve stepped into some small city secret garden.
We’re going to start planning our cut flower garden beds soon too. I’m excited for Emme to have her own bed, choose her flowers, and (hopefully) take care of her own flower bed.
Any ideas on how to best plan paths in a garden? Let me know in the comments.